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One Tree Hill With Tired Eyes Tired Minds Tired Souls We Slept Review

One Tree Hill was a popular show that ran for 9 seasons from 2003 to 2012 on The WB network, and later its successor, The CW network. The show'south plot was centered effectually the lives of several loftier school students in the fictional town of Tree Loma, North Carolina. The show is one of the longest running series for either Jimmynetwork. The target audition of the serial was individuals anile eighteen to twenty-five years onetime. This is peculiarly evident through the evidence'southward use of the culturally relevant habiliment and music styles that are prominently displayed throughout the series. The particular episode used for this analysis, "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, Nosotros Slept," aired during the evidence'due south third season in March of 2006. The episode, which was considered to be a landmark in the series, offers a "surprisingly earnest and reflective delineation of a school shooting" at Tree Hill High School. (Feinberg, 2006)

The episode begins with Jimmy Edwards, a bullied and tormented student, smoking a cigarette outside of the schoolhouse. He was one time close friends which several members of the main cast early in the serial, Lucas, Skills and Mouth While walking in the hallway, Jimmy sees several of his classmates who had beat him up the nighttime before over negative comments that he had fabricated on a video time sheathing rejecting various high school cliques and referring to them all as "losers." The bullies discover him and purposefully knock into him while making a rude annotate causing his books to fall to the floor. With a look of total fear on his confront, Jimmy pulls a gun out of his pocket and fires it down the hallway only as ii other master characters Brooke and Peyton circular the corner. The school goes into a frenzied panic and several members of the master cast cease up taking shelter in the tutor center with Jimmy, who they do not know to be the shooter. Eventually, Jimmy reveals himself equally the shooter and holds his classmates hostage at gunpoint. The students plead with Jimmy and effort to assistance him meet a unlike side of the situation. They attempt to convince him to give himself up at no avail. When Jimmy hears a door slam in the hallway he leaves the tutor middle to investigate the source of the sound. He threatens to kill whoever comes into schoolhouse until he rounds a corner and encounters his old friend Lucas carrying Peyton who has been shot and has become unconscious. The confrontation between Lucas and Jimmy is halted when Keith, Lucas's uncle and a long time adult friend to Jimmy steps in between them in an attempt to diffuse the situation and to convince Jimmy to hand over the gun and plough himself in. Keith tries to explain to Jimmy that he has been in his position before, but that life tin can get better. Keith'southward pleas fall on deaf ears. In a very emotional moment, Jimmy drops to the flooring and breaks downwardly in tears and expresses his pain over the way he has been treated by his peers. He begins to by expressing contempt for those who had mistreated him in the past just and then finally admits that he simply wanted them to like him and have him. In a final moment of pain, he turns the gun on himself. As Jimmy lies dead on the floor, Keith's brother Dan enters the hallway and observes the situation. Dan holds the incorrect notion that Keith had attempted to kill him several months earlier. Seizing on the moment, he picks upward the gun and kills Keith in human activity of revenge which he hopes volition be blamed on Jimmy. Secondary scenes in the episode serve to show how the results of Jimmy's deportment in the main plot affect a wide range of characters who are non directly involved with the shooting or the following earnest state of affairs.

When analyzing the effects of this plan on the viewing population, several theoretical approaches should be considered. During the earliest period of media effects research, the prevailing theoretical paradigm considered by scholars to explicate the furnishings of media messages was the magic bullet model of mass advice. According to Glen Sparks, the magic bullet model relies on the notion that "once the [media] message reaches the audience, it will exert powerful, relatively compatible furnishings on whoever processes it." (Sparks, 2012, p. 58) In other words, when an individual witnesses a picture or television program, the message conveyed will be interpreted, processed and internalized in the same exact manner as every other individual who also views the content. Those who subscribed to this theory held the conventionalities that the influence of media messages on the individual psychological level are powerful and transformative. In the context of this theory, in that location is no room for the notion that a viewer can possibly accept a multitude of positions on content.

When because the effects of the One Tree Hill episode on society, magic bullet theorists would certainly conceptualize the furnishings of the trigger-happy content displayed in the episode to be dangerous and extreme. In the episode, Jimmy, a bullied and tormented educatee, attempts to resolve his issues with his peers through the use of violence. In an attempt to empower himself and to take control of the perceived injustices in his life, Jimmy commits a very fierce human action confronting his classmates. He instills fear into the hearts of the people that had made him afraid to come up to school every twenty-four hours; fearfulness amongst those who had never felt in such a style before. Ultimately, Jimmy attempts the shooting considering he is tired of being marginalized by his peers and pushed out of a rigid social hierarchy. In this sense, Jimmy's act is extremely successful considering it sparks a reflection in many characters virtually the way in which they have treated their peers who accept been marginalized out of the "popular crowd."  Magic bullet theorists would find these revelations disturbing because they would anticipate every viewer to accept that this type of tearing deed is an appropriate way to deal with social injustices. They would run across the changing of the attitudes of Jimmy's peers in outcome of the shooting every bit a dangerous encouragement for others who may encounter like feelings to human action out in the aforementioned manner.

In the final scene of the episode, Jimmy'southward developed friend Keith attempts to rationalize with him and assist him come across the other side of his state of affairs. Jimmy is unable to accept Keith'due south advice. He explains that what he is experiencing is as well not bad for him handle and that he feels that nothing will e'er modify; that there is no way out. In his final moments, Jimmy becomes detached from reality before turning his gun on himself and committing suicide. Magic bullet theorists would besides consider this scene to have potentially agonizing effects on the audience. When because this scene through the magic bullet model, scholars would most certainly anticipate the effect of Jimmy's suicide to be that information technology serves every bit an example for an appropriate way to bargain with intense emotional pain. In his terminal moments, Jimmy's despair is incredible until he comes to terms with the fact that he must have his ain life in order to end his sadness. When decides to turn the gun on himself he becomes strangely calm and then pulls the trigger. The magic bullet model would warn that Jimmy's last moments serve equally inspiration or encouragement for those wishing to resolve problems with intense emotional turmoil. Ultimately, when considering the magic bullet model in relation to this episode, scholars would anticipate the overall furnishings of the program to be dangerous considering the messages portrayed serve to bear witness that violence is an appropriate means to solve unremarkably experienced emotional and social problems.

Scholars who adhere to the limited-effects perspective of media communication would debate that the conclusions made by magic bullet theorists on this episode would be entirely false. Sparks defines the limited-effects model as a theoretical perspective that argues that "the effects of mass media range from small to negligible" and "do non serve every bit the principal determinant" of the "basic attitudes or…behavior patterns [in] either children or adults." (Sparks, 2012, p. 63) In other words, when an individual consumes item content, that content will have lilliputian or no effect on their overall psyche.

When because the 1 Tree Loma episode through this principle, scholars would debate that the messages and content conveyed throughout the plot are just for amusement value and are not designed to shape the viewer'south actions, thoughts or opinions. The express-effects perspective conveys the notion that the tearing content portrayed through Jimmy'southward shooting as well as his suicide are simply the nature of a good goggle box drama. Those who argue this perspective, would say that the highly intense actions and emotions portrayed through the violence in the episode are simply indicative of what types of situations make content especially compelling to a large television audiences.  They would also consider the conversations had among Jimmy and his peers, as well equally in his terminal confrontation with Keith, non to be attempts for personal reflection, just simply the result of a series with an overall narrative that is heavily dialogue driven and commonly relies on the perspectives of the diverse set of characters portrayed in the show to drive the plot frontwards.

The direction of the overall plot of the serial as consequence of the incident lends some acceptance to this perspective. The backwash of the shooting as well as the death of Keith serve as the major catalysts that drive the overall narrative of the starting time iv seasons from Act I to Human activity 2. Ultimately, those who would argue the validity of the limited-effects perspective would anticipate the overall effect on order to be negligible. The only true effects on the viewer, they would argue, would be that the events portrayed in the episode simply serve to satisfy the viewers need for compelling entertainment, as well as to create new questions and conflicts that work to keep the viewers watching the series.

Both the magic bullet model and the limited-furnishings perspective may seem to be useful in in a basic sense of identifying how item content affects members of the guild who view it, merely at their core they are both fundamentally flawed theories. Both perspectives lack whatsoever consideration near how outside influences such as personal experience tin can lend to differences in perception amid individuals about media messages. For example, it would exist unwise to assume that a big number of viewers of the One Tree Loma episode did not have prior knowledge of the school shooting incident in Columbine, Colorado. Such individuals would accept a articulate knowledge of the outcomes and consequences of a schoolhouse shooting and consequently, that cognition could potentially shape their interpretation of the schoolhouse shooting in the episode. Therefore, information technology is of import to understand the function of content such every bit this episode in promoting reflection and understanding of a topic among members of society. The functionalist approach to pop culture is particularly useful in gaining perspective on this notion.

David Grazian argues that the popularity of mass entertainment, such every bit the show One Tree Loma, "can be explained primarily in terms of their social uses in generating solidarity among individuals within big and bearding communities." (Grazian, 2012, p. 25) This lends to the creation of "shared feelings of identity" among members of a grouping on the messages portrayed and espoused through the media and "can bring people together by generating a sense of social solidarity" on any detail topic. (Grazian, 2012, p. 26-27) This is largely accomplished because of the utilize of pop culture equally a "resource for public reflection" most various elements of the human being condition or feel. (Grazian, 2012, p. 32) In the context of the One Tree Hill episode, this approach can be used to consider how the various letters conveyed past the program can take an effect on society's commonage knowledge or understanding of an incident of mass violence such the school shooting depicted in the show. The functionalist arroyo offers the ability for content creators to arts and crafts content that tin serve every bit a forum for public reflection about this violence. In essence, the show can be considered a "story we tell ourselves near ourselves." (Grazian, 2012, p. 33)

The cultural significance of events of mass violence such as the Columbine and Virginia Tech school shootings, and the movie theater shooting in Aurora, is great and widespread. Incidents such every bit these spark widespread word and debate amongst various factions in lodge. Often, information technology is difficult to gain a balanced and consummate perspective on these incidents considering of how they are framed when they are explained to the public. It is difficult to talk almost the incident in an advisable way, particularly when so many existent individuals are affected by these tragedies. Intruding on shattered lives in order for society as a whole to reflect tin potentially lack moral integrity. Therefore the I Tree Hill episode can be seen as an instance of the type of content that allows society to reflect on such an incident from a wide range of perspectives in guild to gain a more meaningful agreement of a topic that is hard to grasp. In the episode, the shooting at Tree Hill High School shows the social order of the relatively plastic earth portrayed in the serial being overturned. When the normal life situations of the main characters suddenly and drastically change course, this serves as a good reflection of what these types of incidents are actually similar for those who experience them. The familiar characters in the show are forced to deal with a very real world problem before the viewer'south optics which allows one to empathize with them.

The episode also allows the viewer to gain a more personal perspective on a broader range of issues relating to this type of violence and then through traditional punditry. For instance it allows the viewer to proceeds perspective on Jimmy's reasoning behind his actions through his explanations to his peers and to Keith. It allows one to consider the responses of peers related to the violence by portraying Jimmy locked abroad in a classroom discussing his actions with his peers who attempt to convince him that he can make a different pick. It begs one to consider how such violence could be prevented when Jimmy reveals that he previously tried to commit suicide with his anti-depressants but it was "called an accident" by his mother and the doctor. It asks us to consider the response of the news media when the class president Brooke, tells an insensitive reporter that she should be ashamed of herself for trying to capitalize of the sensational nature of the incident. Finally, it shows us how government officials can sometimes be inept in dealing with such incidents of violence when the Tree Loma Mayor, Dan, asks the police primary why there aren't metal detectors at the entrances to the school to finish students coming in with guns. The chief replies that "the school lath, which I believe you are on Mister Mayor, voted confronting them last twelvemonth because they 'brand the schoolhouse expect unsafe.'" Overall, the functionalist approach is very effective in explaining how popular culture, such as this episode, are useful in self-examination and shared agreement of elements of society.

Although elements of popular culture such as this episode can exist valuable resources for reflection, one must be careful to consider how diverse elements of the content are portrayed and ultimately what those portrayals represent or reinforce. Therefore the critical approach to pop culture comes into play when examining this concept. According to Grazian, the critical approach explains elements of popular civilization "primarily in terms of their ability to reverberate or reinforce the enormous economic and cultural power of the mass media industry." (Grazian, 2012, p. 46) This theoretical arroyo warns of the dominance of pop culture in club and of its ability to "industry desires, perpetuate stereotypes, and mold homo minds." (Grazian, 2012, p. 46) In terms of the episode of One Tree Hill, critical theorists would consider how the bear witness perpetuates the interests of the economic elites. They would exist particularly concerned with how the show works to sell a sure image or push certain products to target audiences. They would likewise take into consideration how the bear witness reinforces the ascendant stereotypes in society through how they are represented in the characters and the overall narrative.

When examining the specific content of the episode in this theoretical context several examples of the dominance of these elite economic interests too every bit common societal stereotypes become apparent. The first example that comes to light is the way in which a person who is socially unacceptable is represented. Jimmy's trouble in life is caused primarily because he chooses to reject the prevailing social norms and stereotypes in the time capsule message that was revealed to his peers. While Jimmy may seem willing to reject these norms, much of his acrimony stems from the fact that he has been rejected past the various groups in his school. Jimmy looks like the stereotypical bullied kid. He is overweight, has glasses and wears uncool apparel. This gives a potent a clear message to viewers that if you exercise not want to exist similar Jimmy who is a "loser" or a "fatty ass" as he is chosen past his peers, so they should strive to be like the primary characters, his victims, who are physically fit, clothing absurd clothes from expensive brands and suit to the "popular" group in his loftier school. Jimmy'due south mental illness is represented in connectedness to various other socially unacceptable notions such as the fact that he is presumably lower grade, marginalized in school and comes from a single parent household. Disquisitional theorists would say that these clear stereotypes that are being reinforced throughout the episode about Jimmy serve primarily to convince the target audiences to want products which will make them less socially unacceptable and not like him.

There are also several racial and gender stereotypes represented in the show as well. The character Antwon is the only minority member of the master bandage. He is improve known past his nickname "Skills" which he presumably got because of his high level of skill on the basketball game court. Despite being from the same community and going to the same schoolhouse every bit the residue of the bandage, Skills speaks in a markedly unlike emphasis, a stereotypical urban African-American vernacular. He too dresses differently than his friends, and is often portrayed wearing clothes considered to exist "street" or "gangster." Ultimately, the example of Skills serves to testify representation of common stereotypes of African-Americans represented in mass civilisation.

In terms of gender roles in the episode, diverse masculine and feminine stereotypes are exemplified in several ways. The men in the episode are represented as potent and heroic. The main characters, Lucas and Nathan, enter the school and roam the hall with baseball bats in their hands in an effort to rescue their friends. The males brandish more emotional toughness then the females in the evidence, especially when they make an attempt to reason with Jimmy. Their fear is marked with aggression instead of tears. Ultimately, the males are represented every bit more than critical of Jimmy and his choices so the females in the show.  The women are the other hand are represented as the more emotional and caring sex. The two females in trapped in the tutor heart with Jimmy try to reason with him and are much softer in their assessment of his actions. They try to humanize him and give him comfort, intendance and support in society to sway his actions. They are shown breaking downwardly and crying and are outwardly more fearful of the circumstances, representing some level of emotional weakness. A specially interesting representation is the graphic symbol Mouth, one of Jimmy'due south oldest friends. Mouth is geeky looking and scrawny compared to the other males on the main cast. He makes an intense emotional plea for Jimmy to turn himself in in which he begins to weep. Mouth, who appears to not fit the stereotype of a traditional "manly" appearance, is represented as being more emotionally feminine.

Despite the legitimate concerns of the disquisitional theorists, it could be argued that the disquisitional theory fails to consider that, while some of the letters portrayed in media practice indeed promote the elite interests in society, members of social club form opinions almost these messages in other ways. Scholars who promote the interaction approach to popular culture would argue that opinions nearly elements pop culture are more often formed through micro-level interaction among peers. Co-ordinate to Grazian, "an interaction approach emphasizes how popular civilisation is created, diffused and consumed as an result of social interactions experiences among modest groups of individuals." (Grazian, 2012, pg. 69) Instead of investigations of the power and influence of societies elites constitute in the critical approach, the interaction approach instead "considers micro-level grouping processes such every bit interpersonal word-of-mouth communication" on the spread of ideas in society. (Grazian, 2012, pg. 69)

In the context of the I Tree Hill episode, effects on social club interpreted through the lens of the interaction approach can exist described in ii ways. Offset, one could consider how the programme works to appeal to a broad range of groups within its targeted demographic in order to attain as broad an audience as possible. Second, one could consider how the micro-level interactions presented inside the plan are, in turn, interpreted through micro-level interaction in wider society. This episode offers several examples of this approach appears to be at piece of work.

Information technology can be argued that one of the hopes of the creators of the testify would certainly be that the prove would episode would spark discussion, and possibly greater understanding, of tearing acts such as the ones depicted in the plot. Interestingly, ane of the about of import topics which the creators seem to exist attempting to prompt discussion nearly is essentially how micro-level interactions in loftier schoolhouse environment can accept drastic consequences for some students. Jimmy's struggle for credence in his school highlights the difficulties of crossing between or entering diverse social circles as an outsider. The hope of the creators may ultimately for multiple groups to view this bulletin and realize the importance of a level of understanding among diverse groups at whatever level of guild. The episode emphasizes that a manner to accomplish this is to promote mutual respect and broader cross-grouping interaction.

In i scene in the episode, one of the characters, Peyton, discusses her fears about what is to come up in the days and weeks post-obit the shooting at Tree Hill Loftier. She says that all of the "so called-experts" and diverse other forms of punditry will come to their town and they will think that they will empathise the tragedy, but they will fail. In her opinion, the only manner the situation will always be resolved is if it worked out amongst those directly involved. The message conveyed through this scene could be interpreted every bit a critique of the intellectual say-so of the elites in order described past the critical arroyo and also a statement in back up of the interaction approach. Information technology could exist argued that the creators of the show are trying to convey that the opinions of the experts are not always valuable in these types of situations. They are instead saying that the application of ideas described in the interaction arroyo are useful in coping with the immense psychological damage resulting in many who are involved in incidents of mass violence such as the one depicted in the episode.

Each theoretical approach to media effects research offers both advantages and drawbacks when analyzing a item popular cultural work such as the One Tree Hill episode featured in this discussion. The magic bullet model and the limited-effects perspective, in their time, both prompted of import discussions about whether media messages do or do not have widespread effects on social club, only upon closer inspection both approaches are flawed. Their flaw lies in their failure to consider how the individual differences in the opinions and experiences of members of society can shape how a person consumes and interprets a media message. The functionalist arroyo is peculiarly helpful describing how these private differences shape the creation of popular cultural works and the word that ensues as a result of their creation. For this reason the functionalist approach was one of the most useful in the analysis of how real incidents of mass violence shape perceptions of the events depicted in the episode. Despite the usefulness of this particular theory, the critical approach offers some compelling warnings most the nature of cultural stereotypes represented in media content. These stereotypes lie beneath the surface of the bulletin of unity seen through the lens of the functionalist approach and exist to perpetuate the interests of the well-nigh elite individuals in society. Despite the fact that many of these types of representations were present in the episode used in this analysis, a problem with the disquisitional approach begins to emerge. The problem lies is the fact that the disquisitional arroyo fails to consider that opinions in gild are not merely promoted by society'south elites and instantly accepted by the public equally truth. Instead, opinions are formed primarily through micro-level interaction with members of an private's social network. The interaction arroyo offers the ability to explain the importance of this distinction. It could be argued that the bulletin of the episode itself is supportive of this approach as a whole. Despite the fact that this approach is useful in explaining how people by and large come to form opinions on media letters, it does little to help u.s.a. determine what conclusions or opinions these groups may come to. Therefore, when analyzing the effects of the messages present in elements of popular civilisation, it is of import to take into account all of the different theoretical approaches to media effects research. A balanced approach to this type of analysis is the nearly effective means of gaining a more complete understanding of the messages present in the content.


Feinberg, D. (2006, September 26).Review: 'one tree hill. Retrieved from   http://world wide,0,3779416.story

Sparks, G. (2012).Media effects inquiry: A basic overview. (4 ed.). Boston: Wadsworth.

Grazian, D. (2012).Mix it upwards, pop culture, mass media, and society. W Westward Norton & Co Inc.
